Hola a Todos,
Pues, esta semana me encantó. Trabajamos bien duro y ya podemos ver frutos. Ayer, una investigadora que ya tiene un ano astiendo a la Iglesia aceptó una fecha bautismal y ella ya tiene una meta de entrar el Templo!
Really, this has just been a grand week. We had some leadership changes and that just for some reason brought this whole new animo to our area. We worked wonderfully this week and I am so excited to keep it up and see what the Lord has in store for the people we were able to meet. One thing I just love about missionary work is talking to everyone. I have met so many people here and I just love walking down the street and we always see someone we know or someone that knows another missionary and we can always talk and testify and invite and explain and I LOVE IT.
We really focused this week on working with the members and one member that I just absolutely love is this 11 year old boy named Luis. He loves to come with us to our lessons and he is just the sweetest, most pure spirit I have ever met. He wants to become a singer/songwriter. He is the only member in his whole family, but he loves the Gospel, he really does.
This week I learned how to make empanadas, I am super excited about that. I also traveled to Chihuahua yesterday and I got to see Hermana Brown! She is probably my favorite person from the whole mission so far. I am going to send a picture.
What I really loved about Chihuahua was the conference. We went to Stake Conference there because one of the sisters was going to sing. So, I was sitting in the audience and another missionary asked me if I could help with their investigators. So I said, of course and I sat with two families that came to church for the first time. But what struck me was the love I felt for them. I literally have never met these people and it is unlikely that I will ever see them again. But I was so happy to sit next to them, to help them feel welcome. I loved it and I realized that I am a missionary. Not just in my area, with my investigators, in my ward. But with every single person that I have the privilege to meet. It doesn't matter if I have cambios tomorrow or never, I will fulfill my purpose, treat others as Christ would and invite them to know Christ, in whatever situation I am in. And that goes for after the mission as well. The situation never matters, it is who we are that matters. And I love that I can say that I am a missionary, a direct Representative of Jesus Christ, and I know that His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the one and only true church.
I love y'all!
Hermana Dudley
FRANSICA! I got to see her when we went on Divisons. Gosh I love her. |
Luis Angel Cabrera. This is a different Luis than the one that I was talking about, but this kid is amazing as well. |
HERMANA BROWN! I don't know if y'all understand fully, I LOVE HERMANA BROWN. She is like my best friend here in the mission. We already have plans to have our last transfer together. |
Also, this is our Christmas tree.
I choose Christmas hymns every time it is my turn. Ha.
I fell asleep in Language Study the other day... |
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