"After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel." - Joseph Smith

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ahora Entiendo

Hola a todos!

First of all, I want y'all to know that I love my Companion. She is so great and makes laugh all the time, usually not on purpose, ha. 

Also, Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on our door this week and were like, ah, this is where y'all live...and then they tried to preach to us. I am thoroughly confused about their beliefs. 

Also, we forgot to turn the volume of our cell phone up last night and the elders were trying to call us for like an hour and we didn't realize. And they were very concerned and sent members to check on us, ha. And then, when they knew we were alive and well, nos regañó....no nos gustó. Ja. 

Pero, la cosa mas bonita de esta semana....MANUELA Y JAZMIN SE BAUTIZARON!!!!!!! Ay Caray, no puedo explicar el gozo. Primero, tantas cosas nos pasaron antes del bautismo, pero nada importaba cuando ellas entraron el agua. Y the coolest thing! Jazmin told us that she was having some doubts about her baptism. She is twelve and honestly has more questions than anyone I have ever met, ha. But she said she was doubting a little bit the day before the baptism but then she had an amazing dream. Mexicans are really big on dreams, ha. But she told us that in her dream, she was sitting at home and someone knocked on the door. When she answered she saw Hermana Velasco and I and standing behind us was Jesus Christ. Jazmin said with this, she knew that she was making the right decision. How cool is that? And really, it made me think. We are Representatives of Jesus Christ, this is His church. He really is with us, just like in her dream. 

And I just cannot explain the love I have for this family. I have discovered that the really hard thing about the mission is not staying in the house of your converts all day every day, ha. When we leave, Jazmin and Perla ask us to please stay just a little longer and as we are walking out the door they are following us and Perla always runs down the street to give us just one more hug, ha. It is so wonderful. 

I love my Mission. I love Delicias so much and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here, to work with these people, and to share the joy and love and truth of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Dudley

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